Play Areas

The Parish Council looks after 8 play areas across the Parish at Cox Row, Fryern, Hiltingbury, Lincolns Valley, Mead Road, Pennine Way, Suffolk Drive and Westmorland Way.

As well as two Multi Use Games Areas (MUGAs) and one skatepark.

To find one of our play areas please follow the what3words addresses below.

ImageHandler (25)


Play Area :  what3words :    second.deny.elbow

MUGA : what3words :   breed.hurt.soap

Car Park :  what3words :    begins.third.pretty



Play Area : what3words : pounds.gear.pram

Skate Park : what3words : vouch.rounds.thank

MUGA : what3words : beside.helps.speak

Car Park : what3words : castle.rise.garage


Pennine Way 

Play Area :  what3words :    mini.agree.lights

Car Park : on street parking


The following playgrounds all have on street car parking :-

Lincolns Valley Playground :    what3words :   dance.cakes.scare

Westmoorland Way Playground :  what3words :  stable.glee.tricky

Cox Row Playground :  what3words :    hears.curiosity.firm

Suffolk Row Playground :  what3words :    cakes.sorters.punk

Mead Road Playground :  what3words :     poet.form.wallet