Wildflowers – Meeting The Team

We love seeing your photos of the wildflower meadows at Fryern, Hiltingbury and Pennine Way, and thought it was about time that we introduced the team responsible. From left to right may we introduce our Grounds Team and Facilities Manager – Adrian, Tomor (Tori) and Gary. These gentlemen are not…

Hiltingbury Sports

You may already be familiar with Hiltingbury Sports where you can play badminton, pickleball, table tennis as well as netball, basketball and even football. With two studios that host a variety of clubs and organisations including the very popular 50+ group that runs twice a week. https://hiltingburysports.co.uk/ But did you…

Wildflowers at Pennine Recreation

Following some much needed clearance work of the water course at Pennine Recreation Ground, the grounds team have finally been able to plant the wildflowers for this year.  The fencing will stay up until the plants are established, just to protect the new growth.  We are all looking forward to…

Eastleigh Active

We are pleased to be part of Eastleigh Active 2024 Summer Programme.  Aimed at children aged 5 to 16, with activites ranging from Nerf Warz to Weightlifting.  There is certainly something new for everyone to try this summer.

D-Day 80 – Lighting of the Beacon

Chandler’s Ford Parish Council will be hosting the lighting of our Beacon of Peace on Thursday 6th June 2024 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Everyone is welcome to join us at Fryern Recreation Ground from 8.30pm. With live music from Otterbourne Brass Band. Please note that there will…

Funtasia 2024 – Rather Damp but still Fun Fun Fun

It may have rained on the first May bank holiday but that did not dampen any spirits of those involved with Fryern Funtasia 2024.  It was fantastic to see so many people come out and take part.  With ferret racing, duck herding and the Fryern School Choir there was still…

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting is to be held at Fryern Pavilion on Monday 13th May at 7pm.  This meeting is your chance to have your say about your parish.  We welcome you to join us and to share your thoughts about our wonderful Parish.

Transport for the South East want to hear from you !!  TfSE Welcome to Your Voices  They are currently refreshing their Transport Strategy for the region and would like to hear your views and opinions. Please follow the link below and have your say. Then share it so that friends…

Eastleigh Borough Council Wants Your Views

Eastleigh Borough Council would like your views on their draft Animal Welfare and Licensing Policy and draft Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for the control of dog fouling. The survey should take approx 15 mins max to complete. For the survey please follow the attached link – Animal Licensing &…

Hiltingbury Infant School Need You !

Hiltingbury Infant School are looking to recruit new members to its governing body.  Being a governor is a hugely rewarding voluntary role, working closely with the school to ensure clarity of vision, that money is well spent and to wupport, challenge and embrace the factors which influence the educational performance…